John Tucker
Business Services Director
“We have been one of the key drivers in PADN project right from the start and recognised this could be a game changing for copy management.
Progress has been good and we are already seeing a number of ads coming through the system without the need for chasing and any other involvement from dmg::media staff.
The PADN project is something all publishers should take a look at.”

Tom Fletcher
Advertising Operations Manager
“PADN is now a vital part of the future of ad delivery for publishers. The archaic process of manually distributing data to clients and verifying content AFTER it is received no longer needs to be a heavy burden on advertising operations and pre press departments.
With PADN, key booking information is accessible by ad suppliers right at the point of upload, their ad is verified against the booking PRIOR to sending, and is embedded with our publisher URN allowing us to match it to the correct booking without any ambiguity. This means the instances of content arriving not to spec is identified and resolved well ahead of time, and not moments before ads go to press.
By also allowing customers to confirm they are sending ads, it removes the need for countless ‘copy chasing’ calls and emails, which are not only an overhead for publishers but also slow down the production teams trying to traffic many versions of the same material to a wide range of publishers.
This is why News UK has decided to mandate all ad delivery with the inclusion of a URN which has been validated by PADN. We hope this leads to a new era of efficiency, improved customer service for all of our clients and ever closer collaboration between publishers.”

Barry Finch
Assistant Production Director
“PADN brings together the information needed to form a virtuous circle of ad material delivery.
Never before has it been possible for the sender to see precisely what the Publisher expects to be delivered against their schedule. With this innovation any conflict of schedule/expectation can be resolved much earlier in the process; in fact as soon as the Advertiser’s booking reaches the Publisher’s production environment. PADN auto completes the job ticket for the sender form the very data held by the Publisher for a perfect match. Repetitive phone calls between publishers and senders can be eliminated, with time recovered better spent by both sides on exception handling, and other revenue securing checks. PADN has already saved us last minute alteration to editorial page layout due to early identification of booking errors.
TMG are fully supportive of PADN as a major step forward in the beneficial communications between Publisher and Advertiser.”